Career Resources

Planning a career in alternative investments?

MBA Career Management

MBA Career Management has staff and resources to support Wharton MBA students interested in an alternative investments career path.

Current students are encouraged to make an appointment with the Career Advisor for Private Equity/Venture Capital or the Career Advisor for Hedge Funds.

Employers interested in hiring MBA students for summer internships and/or full-time positions are encouraged to contact the Recruiting Relationship Manager for Private Equity/Venture Capital or the Recruiting Relationship Manager for Hedge Funds.

Penn Undergraduate Career Services

Penn Career Services supports undergrads from Wharton and Penn who are interested in working in alternative investments. Undergraduate students are encouraged to make an appointment with a Student Advisor from their School. Penn Career Services has a number of online resources accessible to students in the areas of Private EquityHedge Funds, Venture Capital, or Quantitative Finance.